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Wednesday 17 August 2011

Breakfast Banana Love

How cool would a heart-shaped banana be? I know that you can mold hard-boiled eggs and cucumbers as they grow and melons and such, can you also mold a banana? It would save a lot of time and effort when you’re making adorable breakfast for someone you love.

A Lucky Black Cat's Lunch

Don’t worry Mr. Leftover Nori Halloween Cat! Even though yesterday was the real holiday, I still have some greasepaint on my neck I couldn’t quite wash off and a bowl of candy by the front door that no children came for. Your late appearance is most welcome in my lunch box.

Heart Panini Pops

Sometimes you really want a grilled cheese sandwich and you get one and you’re all excited and then you eat about half of it and it becomes a greasy brick of cheese in your stomach and you start to rethink your meal choices. These are just tiny sandwiches! You can eat like two of them and be totally satisfied and not feel bad about wasting food. What a relief!

Peach Butterflies and Layered Jelly

I love me a good throwback jellied dessert! The butterflies on top made of peaches and cherries is downright inspired. I’d probably be that jerk at the dinner party who eats all the decoration off the top before anyone else can get to it. What can I say? I’m a sucker for canned peaches!

Meringue Cupcakes with Raspberry Curd

Ooh I never thought of making meringue in cupcake form. More crunch! I love how they’re split open and oozing delicious cream and berries. This crispy, light treat is exactly what I’m craving now that, of course, berry season is over. At least I have my photos to keep me going!

Cookies and Ribbon

The weather is getting pretty chilly in these parts and I sure could go for a stack of warm, homemade chocolate chip cookies. So comforting, so simple, and with such a nice bow. Just remember to untie them before you try to eat any. Ribbon is not tasty.

Rainbow Cupcakes

Mini rainbows with fluffy clouds are brightening up my dreary grey day. I need to blow this photo up really huge and hang it right over my computer monitor to keep me going. As it is I fear my chair is trying to swallow me whole. Help!

Channel Cupcakes

I’d be willing to say that nearly every lady has a little piece of her heart that longs for some luxury. Admit it girls, you’ve fondled a designer dress here and there, you may have even tried on a pair of ridiculously overpriced and completely impractical heels to feel fancy for a moment. If I could eat a cupcake with a Chanel logo, I think that would make me feel better.

Hamtaro Cake

I don’t know much about Hamtaro. I know he’s a hamster and a character in an anime and now captured in cake form. I’d happily nibble on this guy while celebrating… what? What would Hamtaro be the perfect symbol of celebration for? Come on, anime nerds, I know you’re out there and I need your help!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Sprinkled Cone Cakes

Star sprinkles are always in style, it doesn’t have to be 4th of July. What would these cutie chocolate cone cupcakes be without a little embellishment to shake things up? Plus, you can’t deny the pleasure of a little crunch with your sweet treats.

Panda Bento

Let’s be very very quiet, panda is sleeping! He looks so cozy nestled into his snug little box. I’ll let him sleep until I get really hungry and he won’t know what hit him.

Chocolate Malt Cupcakes

I know most of us here are a bit too young to have experienced a proper soda fountain chocolate malt with a paper straw, but the evocative Norman Rockwell-esque image endures and fills us with nostalgia nonetheless. If only I could drink a cupcake.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Cupcakes With Gingerbread Houses and Hidden Men

When Megan at Bake It In a Cake told me she had something special coming up I knew to get very very excited. Have you ever seen more holiday cheer in one single sweet treat? A cute cupcake is impressive on it’s own, but when you top it with a tiny gingerbread house and then hide a gingerbread man inside?! Megan, you are an unparalleled genius. I bow to your creative whimsy.

Chocolate Tree

The best thing about these cookies to me is the fact that they didn’t turn over all the M&Ms to make them plain red. I see this as a sign of smart priorities. Just jam the chocolates on there as fast as you can because the sooner they’re done, the sooner we can eat them!

Strawberry Cake

After the holiday weekend indulgences I’ve been through, I’m looking forward to some lighter fare. Of course this is still a dessert and not exactly as healthy as a salad, but don’t fresh berries sound amazing right now?

Mario Bento

This year, let’s get creative with our lunches! Wouldn’t a fancy bento lift your spirits in the afternoon? Let’s resolve to cut a shape out of a vegetable or a piece of cheese or meat just once a week this year.

Grizzly Bear Cake

Do you miss your bear neighbors while they hibernate? I know it would be nice to have them around all the time, but we need to let their sweet faces sleep. We can bide the time by making foods in their likeness. There, don’t you feel better?

Apple Cupcakes

I bet a teacher would appreciate a cupcake that looks like an apple even more than an actual apple. Yes, they are the pillars of society, but everyone needs an unhealthy treat now and again. Plus, maybe it’s some sort of apple spice cake, that’s not so unhealthy right? I’d even eat that!

Russian Doll Cake

Clearly someone is welcoming a new little girl into the world here. The matryoshka cookies especially look so motherly and nurturing. They’ll take extra good care of a new mother with their iced sweetness. Plenty of my friends have kids but I can easily say that none of them have had such expertly made adorable treats at a shower. Up the ante, friends!

Totoro Puffs

Though these puffs look a slight bit terrified, I still find them comforting. Can’t you just imagine them bobbing around in a big mug of hot chocolate with their big eyes and whiskers melting away? Mmmmm, creamy Totoro puffs!

Rainbow Krispies

Butter, marshmallow fluff, Rice Krispies. How could you possibly make this recipe more satisfying? Rainbows! Fruity Pebbles! I’m sure you’ll all say, “Duh Ingo!” but I honestly never thought of this. Genius. I need to go to the store to stock up on cereal now. Brb.

Strawberry Muffins

I’m not much of a baker. I get intimidated by the exactness of measurements and ratios and temperatures and timing so my lovely Kitchen Aid mixer stands unused like a really fancy decoration in my kitchen. That is, until I made my first batch of muffins! Muffins are so easy! They take almost no work and I can practically make them with my eyes closed! Strawberries are in season, I think this will be my new favorite.

Monday 1 August 2011

Sweet Proposal

I can’t think of a cuter way to incorporate cupcakes into a marriage proposal. Carl and Ellie were such a sweet couple, what better pair to model your enduring love after?

Honey Bee Cupcake

Is he eating the honey? Hiding? Trapped? I think he looks a little mischievous and crazed. Like at any moment he’s just going to explode with crazed laughter for fooling you. I love him.

Humble Breakfast Cake

No more excuses for not doing something special for a loved one if you don’t bake! All you need is some bread, a jar of Nutella and a little creativity and you can brighten anyone’s day. I’m inspired for sure!

Wake Up Donuts

Imagine waking up on Sunday morning after a super fun night out on the town for your friend’s birthday. You’re exhausted, you’re sore, your voice is hoarse from proclamations of merriment, your hair smells funny and you still have one sock on. Now imagine that this donut appears on your nightstand. Feeling a bit better now? I thought so.

Impossible Choises

When presented with a selection of cupcakes such as this, how on earth do you make a choice?! That little red rose in the front is calling to me, it’s voice is sugary, soothing, seductive. “I look like embossed wallpaper, my rose looks like a real flower, don’t you want a little taste?”

Lovely Breakfast

I know I just featured eggs in a basket here a while back, but that one wasn’t cut in the shape of a heart with little ketchup hearts! If this were my breakfast those hearts would be made of Sriracha but I’m willing to let it go this once. You can thank me later for making your lovely breakfast one to remember.

Love Donuts

Even donuts can get in on the love trend with their sassy little sprinkles and saucy heart shape. Dunk them in your coffee quick, before it gets cold!

Strawberry Juice

When I was a kid, the whole family would have a little bowl of ice cream after dinner while we watched TV. I always preferred vanilla with a little chocolate syrup or powdered hot chocolate mix. I would stir it until it was the consistency of soft serve and then it was just perfect. I remember thinking how good it would be if I just melted it all down and heated it up.